I find images which represent my goals, my aims, what I want to achieve in the future.
So far I have made three for myself and a load for friends and family, they make great birthday presents and christmas presents.
Your wishes and aims change from day to day so its good to keep them lucid.
The small VB top left of pic I made for my friend Fiona before she went to India, she sat down with me and told me her aims and desires for the future and I put it all in a 'Vision Board' which she could keep and look at every day to keep her on track. I have my 'Vision Board' saved on my desktop screen saver, so I can look at what I want to achieve everyday.
Someday I might just get it all.
If you are interested in having your own personalized 'Vision Board' for a small price, let me know I would love to create one for you.
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